About MBS
This business is dedicated to spreading freedom. There is great freedom in knowing the limits of your body and mind; even more so, in the knowledge that you can raise those limits.
Tool of Choice: Barbell
The barbell is arguably the most effective instrument of health next to diet and knowledge. It is a safe, consistent, and simple tool that allows one to progressively increase the load placed on the body. A barbell can be used to train virtually every muscle in the body.
About Training
The trainer’s job is to gradually and comprehensively give a client the tools needed to independently live a healthy life. There are four primary goals for each client. These goals are:
Learning proper form in order to optimize performance and prevent injury.
Learning how to structure a program that lays out specific short term goals. This program will lay out what the training will look like for a specified period of time leading up to the desired goal.
Learning what a balanced diet looks like and how to eat based on short and long term goals.
Becoming passionate about your health and always trying to better yourself.
Why Strength First?
Strength is the base of everything you can do. Speed is the rate at which you can use your strength. Agility is your ability to use strength quickly and change the direction in which you are producing force. Endurance is how long you can continue to produce force under fatigue (this can be cardio respiratory endurance or muscular endurance). Most areas of physical capability can be optimized by increasing strength.